Mechanical Engineering & Production

The mid-cap characterized producing industry represents the heart of the German economy and has brought forward many world market leaders. Driven by increasing digitalisation, the sector is facing fundamental changes. In this context it is necessary for large and mid-sized market participants to build up additional competencies or to cover those through acquisitions or cooperation’s.

As graduated engineers, we maintain long-term relationships to market players and are in continuous exchange with them. As a result, we have completed numerous transactions in the various sectors of mechanical engineering and production – with global leaders as well as with niche specialists.


* Contains reference projects of former occupations of Dr. Thiele/Dr. Ulrich

Mechanical Engineering & Production

The mid-cap characterized producing industry represents the heart of the German economy and has brought forward many world market leaders. Driven by increasing digitalisation, the sector is facing fundamental changes. In this context it is necessary for large and mid-sized market participants to build up additional competencies or to cover those through acquisitions or cooperation’s.

As graduated engineers, we maintain long-term relationships to market players and are in continuous exchange with them. As a result, we have completed numerous transactions in the various sectors of mechanical engineering and production – with global leaders as well as with niche specialists.


* Contains reference projects of former occupations of Dr. Thiele/Dr. Ulrich